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Monday, January 24, 2011

Promotional Ideas for Teambreezy

Join your Breezy Street Team

I hope by now you are all familiar with the Street Team Leaders that were chosen. Get on board  now and join a team. Start to brainstorm those crazy ideas as to how to promote @chrisbrown projects.


Call, text or email local and national radio stations within your area and request that they play one of Chris's songs. Teambreezy I know you are working hard with this idea and it is currently bearing fruit. This is one of the popular link  that Teambreezy has been using .

Go to Eventful’s website to Demand Chris's performance in your area. Click here and "Demandit"

Post about him

Use your social networking sites! We’re fortunate to live in a time where most people have computers and access to the internet which is arguably the most important tool in promotion. Post about him on your Twitter, Myspace, Tumblr, Facebook, Eblog etc! Post links to his videos, pictures, articles etc or even say how much you like him. You never know who will see it and decide “hey, i like him too” and go out and buy his album.

Forums and online communities

Post about Chris in appropriate forums. Post links to his videos, pictures, articles etc let people know how  talented he is and why they need to support his music. 

Just talk about him

Word of mouth is very important  marketing strategy and should be use wisely. Tell your friends, family, colleagues or just strangers on the street why they need to support his music . Play his songs every opportunity you get to let others know what music is currently out there for him!

Buy Chris's CD

When his CDs are released, BUY THEM! Don’t download it illegally and encourage your friends, family and colleagues to do as well.

Buy Chris's CD for other people

If you know someone with a birthday coming up buy them the CD! I know many people can’t afford to buy multiple copies, but if you can… Every little helps.

Make flyers

Put these in your school/universities/work or common areas. Hand them out to friends, family etc or place them in places people will see them (check wherever you place them isn’t private property, and if it is ask permission).

Some additional great ideas
  1. Create pages/groups/blogs etc about Chris.
  2. Make a Tumblr page about Chris, regularly posting pictures, info and news about Chris
  3. Add song lyrics to your social network pages twitter, face book etc.. and  when people asked what song it is you can say it and they might end up listening to it.
  4. Be Sure To Mention Chris at school and what music he has out currently.
  5. Play Chris's CD very LOUUUUUUUD while travelling in the car, with the windows wound down lol
  6. Recommend Chris and his music to people you know
  7. As an extra birthday present to one of your friends that are not yet a fan of Chris, give them his CD!
  8. Going to a party? Ask the DJ to play his songs and promote his Fame album and tour
  9. Print out flyers and hand them out or post them on coffee shop, bulletin boards etc
  10. Hand out flyers to people you know who loves his music
  11. Write promotional blurbs on every chalkboard and whiteboard in every classroom in your school directing people to Chris's  website or to buy his CD ( lol)
  12. Go to parking lots, malls and put  flyers under the windshield of everyone's car about Chris's tour and FAME album.
  13. Go to your local bookstore, library ,newspaper stand and incidentally insert your flyers about Chris's tour and FAME album in as many books as possible (lol)
  14. Compile a list of all the radio stations in your area  with email addresses, phone numbers, twitters, face books and send out the information via twitter, tumblr, face book etc. Asked your team members to make a note of the number of times Chris's songs were on the radio in your area and tweet the information. 

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